Friday, October 17, 2008

It's Not Our Battle Anymore

Bringing our troops home is a very touchy subject. Helen Thomas, a Hearst White House Columnist, offers her opinion in this matter. She referred to the war as "mindless" in comparing McCain's pursuit of an endless war to Obama's verbal negotiations promise. Helen questions McCain's intentions of creating another war to cover up the current mess and he charges Obama with going in unprepared.

She reflects on the dignity and authenticity of our former U.S. Presidents. Most of them would rather attempt to make peace through talking to the opposing leaders and reasoning with them. I agree that war should be the very last resort, and our leaders need to exhaust every resource and option available to make peace, without violence. If nothing can be accomplished reasonably then we consider the possibility of war. Control Freak Syndrome sets in and we are quick in jumping to conclusions.

The American people are the main target of Helen's editorial. Americans say bring them home, or let's stay and end this thing. But, in reality neither task is easy. I say bring them home, we are wasting money, resources and risking innocent lives. Not to mention the sanity of the American People who are standing by watching the news every night and learning of at least 3 American soldiers deaths. We have done all we can for the other countries, up to this point. Now it has become a revolt against their own people and we are trying to protect the victims. You cannot help someone who is not willing to help themselves first.

On the other hand, what happens if we pull out too quickly or suddenly? Will they follow us home like bees on pollen? What will happen if we withdraw tomorrow and then next week, the same scenario continues on our territory? There is no right or wrong answers because we have gone way too far this time. We rushed in without honest reasoning, the damage is done, and now we must clean it up.

As Helen reaches out to the American people, I reach out to my fellow Americans and ask you for an honest vote this Nov. 4, 2008. We need a leader who is willing to march down a path of peace and arms negotiations. We need not a leader who wants to revolt into an endless warfare. Wake up people and vote! The United States of America can still uphold to the "American Dream." The future is in our hands, at our very own fingertips.

The original blog link in below:

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