Friday, December 12, 2008

Government Bailout Funds for Auto Industry

Trent Liljestrand posts the question “Should we bail them out?” and I have filtered this in my head as well. I was totally blown away when I found out that such a large amount of rescue money was only going to be divided among three top dog car dealers. Two out of the three have stated they cannot promise a loan payback in a reasonable timeframe or at all for that matter. Ford is confident they will profit in the next few years and have no problem returning the favor.
What in the world is going on? We are designating bailout funds for foreclosure prevention, or shall I say foreclosure prolongment? Now we are loaning funds to salvage car dealerships and manufacturers? What’s next?
I agree with Trent that this issue has both pros and cons in relation to our economy, mass production, jobs, etc. Either way there is going to be a significant impact. One possible impact that is most likely is the companies being sold to foreign corporations and run on U.S. soil. Another impact could be that more vehicles would be produced in larger quantities, turning profit and retailed cheaper.
My opinion is that we are supposed to be united and one under God. If the monies are available and U.S. Companies are pleading for help, give it to them. Was our goal to succeed or plunder? The United States Government should, by all means, do anything in their power to aid in the success of our country. Either way we win some and we lose some. So are we going to continue to help others while we suffer, or are we going to start helping each other with issues on hand and rising here, at home?
“It is a very confusing time to be an American because their are so many things that would go wrong no matter what decision is made”, says Trent. You said it, couldn’t have done it better myself. Damned if we do and damned if we don’t. Time to pull together and bail one another out is here. We are all neighbors and it’s time we start acting like it and lending a hand to someone in need. Personally I love my mustang and I want Ford to succeed, they are one of the largest car manufacturers across the nation that we have. Love them or leave them. People need to stop being so bitter and realize that these issues are very critical to their future and the future of our children. Peace, Love and Happiness! Vote! Let your voice be heard! Great job Trent!!

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